Weight- 13lbs 3oz..13% for his non-corrected age 79% for his corrected age (he'd only be 10 weeks if he came when he was really due)
Length- 24in 14%/89%
Head circumference- 38.1cm 13%/<1% (so we have a REALLY small head, but a REALLY big and smart brain!)
He rolled over (front to back) 4 times while we were waiting for the Dr.! Quite the show off!
(that makes his total of rolls 10, but who's counting?)
(insert prayer that he is NOT a people pleaser or struggles with action based performance-and that we don't parent that way either!)
He has the ability to see color now. He can see objects clearly if they are 3 feet in front of him. He can see across the room, the objects are just blurry.
The Dr. said he is doing an incredible job and right on track for a normal 4 month old so there is NO need to make any age based adjustments anymore :)!!!! He gave him an A+ for his development and progress. Thank you Lord for growing and protecting this child of yours!
The Dr. also said that he wants Charles Hatch to stay on the "germ" precautions ideally through May 1. That would be the "best" he said but if we can do til April 1 that is "good, but there will still be the common cold and some residual RSV/flu out there in April." That being said, we are beyond thankful and consider it incredibly praise worthy that he has remained healthy since birth! We are going to keep praying and remain smart about where/when we take him anywhere.
Words Blake and I would use to describe him at this age:
sweet, cuddly, smart, expressive (those eyebrows! KK says you can tell exactly what he's feeling by his facials), gentle, SMILEY (all day long! and we eat up EVERY one-espescially the Mertz smile he can do with his cheeks/eyes-swoon!), strong, easy going (people have commented on what a "chill" baby you are), and of course LOVABLE!