Yes, I am posting two blog posts in a day...Don't judge. I'm WAY behind so while I'm sitting in one spot for more than 10 minutes (outside of eating a meal) I am getting this checked off my to-do list :)
Here's the cliff-notes version of our month thus far :)

Arboretum for KK's bday

Blake and I-He was in HEAVEN with all those flowers!

Hatch and his girlfriend-Libby

Happy Easter!

Sanny introducing Hatch to the duckies that are being added to the Bowen's backyard pond :) Can't wait for him to play with them in the years to come!
Hatch's first Easter basket
Hatch and Cousin Sam = Best Buds and lots of fun play dates

Almost rolling over...

Exersaucer time

He's started can see his bottom right tooth coming in. Praying all his teeth come in with as little pain as possible.

Belly Laughs After Bathtime


Naptime with Daddy

We celebrated our 4 year anniversary with an overnight staycation! My husband is the most incredible man and father. Words do not do justice how immensely blessed I am by his presence in my life. He loves me better than I could have dreamt a man would love me, he is an engaging father, an incredible best friend, a hard worker, and provides/tends/cares for our house, home, and family as I know God would have him do. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him! Our goodbye kiss as we leave for our FIRST night away from this angel!
Pics from KK while we were away


On a walk with KK-looks likes he's "cheering" her on.. Go KK Go!

Still at KK's and sleeping like an angel

Did I mention he's teething? Think he'd rather have the real thing ;)

Just a little morning reading-he's wondering why these dogs don't look like Kenzie...

He turned 5 months! Holy Moly! Time is FLYING by...and we are trying to soak up EVERY moment of it. Thank you Lord for these 5 months, his incredible health, and the family you have blessed us with.

We love to have backyard picnics and playtime (aka mama needs a change of scenery and with this FABULOUS weather she needs some Vitamin D too!)


Look at that Angel face!

His first visit down to the lake to visit Mimi and MawMaw! Traveling with him is quite the task-lots of luggage and the first night he usually doesn't sleep through the night, but by the second night he seemed to get it figured out. He did REALLY well during the days though! He is ONE HAPPY baby & everyone kept commenting on what a smiley baby you are Hatch. Someone even commented that hadn't heard you cry or saw a frown all weekend long. As much as we'd like to take credit and be uber proud parents, we know it's not us at all but how God created you. And we know he created you JUST right. ;) Keep on letting your light shine little buddy. Spread His love!
Here are some 5 month stats
I weighed you the other day at our Square One Mom's group and you weighed 15lbs 9oz with a clothes and a wet diaper on so you are growing, growing, GROWING!!!
You are wearing size 2 diapers
You feed at 8:15/30ish, 11-12(depending on how long your morning nap goes), 2,5,8...we won't start baby food until after your 6 month appointment.
Your bedtime is around 8:30 and you wake up around 7:45-8.
You are still napping about 4 times a day about 90minutes after you feed but I think transitioning to fewer naps...because your first morning nap looks like this
9:30-10:30/11:30/12 (depending on the day thus why I think your consolidating naps). Either way, right now you nap much better in the morning than you do in the afternoon.
You are wearing 3 month clothes with some 3-6 month clothes in there to-still a little big but that just means we are getting our money's (and wear's) worth on your clothing!
Your hand:eye coordination is spot on! Anytime we put something within reach of your little arms you reach out and grab/touch it. Again, Daddy thinks you are SO athletic ;)
You love to chew on mommy's fingers and your teething toys. We know these teeth are going to come in and we can't pray that away, but we pray that come in quick and with little pain.
The only times you fuss is when you get bored with a toy and need a new scene, for about 3-5 seconds when we lay you down to nap you sometimes fuss but then realize you are tired and mom/dad know whats best for you and quickly stop. You have had a couple of nights when you get fussy because you haven't gotten enough sleep during the day. One time daddy took you to some friends and gave mommy the night off--I got a phone call about an hour in to you all being gone that I needed to meet you all in a parking lot. I could hear you crying in the background. Wailing is more like it. I have never heard you cry like that.Bless daddy's heart, he couldn't get you to calm down and needed some help. So I stayed on the phone singing to you and praying the whole time til we met in the Kroger parking lot ;) Since then you have only had one more fussy session at night...and then the lights went CRAVE your schedule! So if we stick to your schedule and make sure you get enough sleep you are SO happy. Of course we pray and want to practice flexibility too ;)
You love to talk on your changing table, in the car, and in the evening. You are quite the giggley little fellow and your daddy and I just can't stand it! You are SO easy going that you have spoiled us. If all of our babies (God willing we get to have more) were like you we'd have enough children to have a football team ;)
We might venture out and take you to childcare at the gym soon (the dr would prefer May 1 so we will see) because this lady is SO ready to get back to working out. Although, the weather here has been WONDERFUL so we have been going on LOTS of long walks/runs! We are so lucky to have Alexis and her new baby, Emerson, live just a couple of streets away because they are our walking/running buddies. We are just about to pick a 5k to run together. :) Thank the Lord for new mommy friends. They are a lifesaver!