Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We have a ONE month old!

Seriously, we are parents to a one month old?! REALLY! We still can't believe we are parents...much less to a one month old. Everyone always says how time flies with these little bambinos and now we are part of that club! Time DOES fly SO fast!

Since we last wrote Charlie has visited us...finally! Charlie is my dad who requests to go by Charlie-not grandpa ;) Little does he know, but we're still thinking of some fun names for him...with his Mexico/spanish/ranching background we're bound to pick something fun! Like Pancho, Jefe (spanish for boss/chief), cowboy, etc...If you have any ideas send them our way. :)

We had so much fun with Charlie and can't wait for him to come back at Christmas to spend more time with him. I adore both sides of my family and the Mertz side still hasn't gotten to meet him yet so he'll also be bringing my Nanny and Papa, Aunt Marilyn, and hopefully some of my cousins too!
I mean how can you not L-O-V-E this group

Here is my weekly growth comparison...touchdown!

Mommy and Daddy went on their first post-me date night

I went on my first stroller date with my girlfriend Libby, Katie and John Paul's baby. Here I am all dressed up for Libs

I had my 1 month Dr appointment yesterday and here are the stats:
I weigh 7 pounds and that is the 41%!
My length is 20inches and that is the 70%!
My head circumference is 33cm which is 19%!
Of course all of these percentiles are based on my gestational age, which is 38 weeks-cause I'm still supposed to be in my mommy's tummy. If you compared me to a full term one month old I wouldn't even be on the charts because I'm still so little. BUT, the Dr. did say I am a "superstar" with all the progress I have made. I have another appointment at 2 months and at that time he'll let us know if I can stop taking my "muscle milk" twice a day. He also told my mommy that it might be another 2 months or so til I sleep longer periods of time (in comparison to a full term baby) because I am so small she and my dad might have to keep waking up every 2-3 hours at night to feed me. Yay for me to get all that food though right?! ;)

Here are some pics that my mom doesn't want you all to miss out seeing of me.

This is McKenzie, she is my other mommy. We get along REALLY well and she is SUPER protective of me. Anytime someone other than mom or dad holds me she sits right by them to supervise and anytime I cry or get really loud hiccups she comes to check on me. So it's only fitting she fit herself in one of my 1 month photo shoot pics.

***sorry the photos are off center and mis-labeled. Like I said this blogging thing is new and when I previewed it I saw the mistake but keep trying to fix it and can't figure out how. Yes, I know it's probably super simple but I need blogging help!

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