God has been teaching me: Hatch's paparazzi, instagram loving, baby schedule app addict, weather checking extraordinair, can't live without my calendar lady, that my iPhone has filled WAY TOO MUCH of my time lately. So just like any loving father, he decided it was time to put my iPhone 4G to rest. RIP.
With that being said, I honestly feel like I don't know what is going on in the world. My awesome aunt Denise is letting me borrow her original iPhone 3, remember those? Well because it's an older phone it won't upload any app I want because all the software is not compatible. I miss seeing all the pictures on instagram, taking decent/non-grainy pictures of Charles Hatch, and being able to look back on Hatch's schedule from the day(s) before to see how much he's sleeping, etc. Amazing how quick they become ancient antiques! Those geniuses at Apple have definitely figured out how to suck users in to buying the newest phones. When all of this happened I the words "I'll never buy an iPhone again," actually came out of my mouth! Ha! But in ALL honesty, it has really been quite liberating to know the limits of your phone are to just text and call people and that frees me up to spend so much more time living in the moment: praying, cuddling my pumpkin, and actually not procrastinating on to-do's. I'd almost challenge each of you to take some time away from all the bells and whistles your phone provides and just use it for calls and texts....but you would probably laugh in my face if I said that ;)
Now to our February wrap up.
Our trip to Houston was a success! This little guy was a champ on the road and made the entire trip super easy! We loved getting to see Auntie D and Aunt Kels. We definitely missed not having Uncle Brad and Aunt Jen around though :(
We got to have a LONG over-do catch up with some of our best friends that were in our community group and moved back to Houston, The Weavers. Well actually we just got to see Laura and their gorgeous home but it was SO good for my soul to see that sweet girl. I miss her terribly.

Little monkey
Mid trip diaper change

Aunt Kelsey providing some welcome to Houston lovin'
Hatch has officially started sleeping from 10:30-11 at night until about 7:30-8 in the morning! This is a WHOLE new world and I feel like a REAL person again with all of this sleep I'm getting :) He is quite the wiggle worm when he sleeps!
In this picture typically his head is above the navy blue pad and when we woke up and looked at the monitor we couldn't see him! Little man had wiggled all the way down through the night.

He typically eats at 8, 11, 2, 5, 8, and 10. Which means we've pretty much started an every 3hr feeding schedule which is also a huge praise! Mama can actually get some things done between feeds now :). We are guessing that he weighs about 13-14 pounds. His 4 month appointment is next Monday which is a week early (our Dr. will be out of town on his true 4 month).
He loves playing with his hands but isn't quite grasping at things yet. His hands provide at least 10 mins of entertainment for him and go straight to his mouth. He has great head control and can sit up or be held without his head bobbling all over the place. We've started using the Bumpo-thanks Aunt Katie for letting me borrow Libby's! Although right now he only last about 3-5minutes in it before he gets fussy.

Bumpo exhaustion
He is cooing and smiling ALL over the place. Blake and I can't help but look at each smile and seriously say "thank you for that" to our incredibly loving father. We know that Charles Hatch is a blessing in and of himself but each little smile and coo is one more glimpse of "if this smile/coo/moment is so sweet, how much sweeter will heaven be?" I often write down little things in the front of my journal that just bring a simple, unexpected smile to my face-like when I see a dog sticking its head out of a car window, watching Kenzie roll around in the grass, the feel of clean sheets, etc. and I definitely need to add his smiles and coo's to the list!
We celebrated his 3 month birthday! Yowza's he's not a teeny newborn anymore! He's a REAL baby and now fits the part. (we are now realizing there IS a difference between a newborn and a baby) :)

We had a slumber party again at KK's
Apparently this was the "sleeping zone"
Family shot
And we had a WAY too short visit with some of our other best friends, Zach, Taylor and Peyton! Zach and Blake have been best friends since Junior High and they recently moved back to OK. Fun fact-she's from Enid which is a neighboring town to where I'm from, Ponca City...our families have done business together AND my uncle was in her parents wedding! Talk about SMALL world! Oh AND Lil P and I share our birthdays!!! We just ADORE ADORE ADORE them and miss them terribly. But we are definitely already starting to plan some family vaca's together. Fun times to be had raising our families together :)
Pretty sure Blake told me about some "tips and tricks" Zach was teaching him on parenting while they were on the golf course later that day. Ha! Anyone who knows these boys-would you ever have thought Zachary would be offering up Daddy tips?! LOVE IT!

Look at that GORGEOUS Auntie Taylor...and how in love our little monkey is with her :)
We also got some GREAT news that our dear friends Abby and Logan and their precious new little girl, Stella, will be headed back to Texas! YAHOOO!!! They've been living in France for the past 2 years and we can't wait to have them back here :) She is a blogging PRO-maybe she can help me actually put a background on mine ;)
*or with creating a link to her blog! sheesh, sorry guys-maybe I'll figure this whole blog thing out one day!