Sunday, November 18, 2012

First off:

Every Tuesday and Saturday is bath and NG tube change day. Bath time is really the only thing that gets him crying longer than 5 it ironic/cruel that bath time our favorite day of the week? We took a video of it with our video camera and were going to post it, but then realized we don't have the cable to attach it! :( Trust us when we say it is the cutest thing ever. Maybe it's a good thing we can't post it, this day in age we'd probably get in trouble for "child solicitation" or something.
Daddy LOVES combing his hair after, literally every hair on that precious child's head has to be in place before daddy can put the comb down. When he moves and gets his hair out of place, Daddy is quick to pick up the comb and re-do things. Imagine if we had a girl and all of the bows he'd be re-positioning! Haha!

Here is a pic of the most beautiful heart and respiratory rate...

His vital signs only look this good when he is snuggled with with his proud Papa.
***note-the monitor alarms drive this proud Papa CrAzY so it's a good thing they don't go off while they're sleeping ;)

So here is the latest:
He is allowed to take 5 bottle and/or breast feeds a day. We get to chose how we want to give it to him. If we breastfeed, they want us to offer a bottle after that has been fortified with 22Kcal formula because this little bugger lost 15grams yesterday so today he is 2120grams which is roughly 4.66lbs. Obviously he has not learned what big foodies both his parents families are.

Because he lost a little bit of weight they said he won't be home for Thanksgiving. Of course we want our baby home with us but we also don't want to push him and end up regretting it later. We want what's best for him and even though we can't have him home for the holiday, we have just been given the greatest blessing and have a plethora of things to be thankful for this year. We are thankful he'll be here in good no, in excellent care. That he'll be getting stronger and healthier so we can fully enjoy him when he does get to go home....which we secretly think won't be long after Thanksgiving to be honest ;)

Our prayer requests as of late are continues praise and thanksgiving for all of the amazing nurses and nurse practitioners taking care of our warrior. I've never been so thankful for Medical City and the type of nurses they employee. We have loved every single nurse and pray we can love and serve them as well as they have been loving and serving us. We pray that we continue to keep our eyes peeled and hearts in tune with how the Lord wants to use us during this time. Praise for Charlie Hatch's continued improvement and growth...and that the Lord continues to strengthen him daily. For rest, endurance, and strength for mommy and daddy.

Here is a precious picture of a note left by Jolene, our AMAZING night nurse for the past 3 nights. She's off 'til Wednesday and we will definitely miss her but hope/pray we'll get her back.

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